Calling Asian family businesses

Join us on an exclusive 7-day visit to discover French Family Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Institutions in French agribusiness engaged in innovation and technology.


In the pursuit of sustainable solutions for Asia’s food concerns, we turn to countries that not only ensure self-sufficiency but also excel in exporting food products. Enter Germany, Europe’s second-largest agricultural producer!

According to the Country Commercial Guides of International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, the year 2021 witnessed Germany’s remarkable standing as the third-largest global importer and exporter of consumer-oriented agricultural products—trailing only behind China and the United States. Moreover, it proudly stood out as the preeminent European market for foreign producers.

Join us on this mission trip as we delve into the invaluable lessons Germany offers in food production, security, and international agricultural trade. Together, let’s explore innovative approaches to address the pressing issues surrounding food sustainability in Asia.


The International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS), in collaboration with DLG, is excited to announce a transformative 3-day Agribusiness Mission to Germany. The primary objective of the business mission to Germany is to explore and enhance collaborative opportunities in the agri-food technology sector through direct engagement with key stakeholders, industry experts, and innovative startups. This mission aims to achieve the following specific goals:

  • Gain Insights into Policy and Business Considerations in Agri-food Technologies : Participate in the Business Forum in Frankfurt to understand the latest developments, policies, and business strategies influencing the agri-food technology landscape.
  • Establish Strategic Partnerships and Networks : Engage in business networking sessions with experts, practitioners, and stakeholders from Europe and Asia, including members of DLG (German Agricultural Society) and APAARI (Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions), to foster long-term collaborations.
  • Showcase and Evaluate Emerging Innovations : Attend presentations and pitch sessions by selected startup companies to identify promising technologies and business models that can be leveraged for mutual benefit.
  • Explore Innovative Bioproducts and Technologies : Conduct site visits to Marmorkrebs Bioproducts, Treeo, the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology at the University of Hohenheim, and InnoGreenhouse to gain firsthand knowledge of cutting-edge research and commercialization efforts in the agri-food sector.
  • Enhance Knowledge and Capabilities : Participate in debrief sessions and business networking activities to consolidate learnings, share experiences, and discuss potential applications and adaptations of German innovations within the home context.

By achieving these objectives, the mission seeks to build robust international networks, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, and drive advancements in agri-food technologies that can contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and food security.